Installing solar stations is a practical and far-seeing contribution to the future. A well-developed infrastructure and knowledge of the leading industry representatives are necessary for a mutually beneficial choice. Due to its international experience and established practices, Ital Solar provides top-quality solar panel installation services.
It’s time to get more! Remaining true to its success formula, the company cooperates with leading European companies and provides high-quality solar energy consulting services.
As a rule, solar systems are installed on roofs and open spaces with favorable and sunny conditions. Our team of solar energy experts always chooses suitable places to guarantee the best use of the Sun’s full potential.
Investing in solar energy is especially beneficial for individuals engaged in agriculture, medium and large businesses, and individual entrepreneurs aiming to save on electricity bills.
Installation of solar stations requires extreme proficiency and dedication. Cooperating with the top representatives of the global solar network, the company also provides solar PV battery installation services. All our products meet internationally set standards. Moreover, contributing to the development of green culture in Armenia, Ital Solar implements 24/7 solar system monitoring.